Eggs Benedict lovers rejoice! My friend who is the regular patron of Marlons+Co kept raving non-stop about their egg-cellent Eggs Benedict and superb English Muffin, and so we decided to pay a visit, as there’s a “trying is believing”. This cafe space tucked away in Pusat Perniagaan Raja Uda is the perfect destination to fix your brunch and coffee craving. Marlons+Co even has its own definition of quality coffee.
We define quality coffee as Rhapsody Blend of Marlon + Co. – Marlons+Co
You will be greeted with simple and picturesque setting. Minimalists will definitely appreciate the interior design of Marlons+Co. Whitewashed brick wall, black chair, white table and captivating style add up well for your Instagram post. Without a doubt, the interior is a really nice spot for flat lays. You’re welcome. The cafe was pretty quiet and less crowded during our visit. It was a relax and unwind afternoon, a decent spot hang out with your buddies in my opinion.
*Spoiler alert
#EggsBenedictGoal, the motion of the fork piercing through the egg yolk is like everyone’s dream, releasing the liquid yellow center like air from a balloon. Aww, we did it badly! WE KNOW RIGHT. Okay, stop laughing and back to topic! The poached egg is perfectly cooked, topped heavenly with drizzle of hollandaise sauce. I like the idea of putting  pea shoots (dou miao) something like “green bean sprout” (I’m sorry, Idk what’s veggie name), it was simple but wholesome. The English muffin has lived up to my expectation, it was fluffy and delicious. However, the bacon was too dry, overcooked and overly chewy, I’d prefer the bacon crispy, seared just right without it being excessively chewy.
Price: RM17.90 – Egg-cited isn’t?
This dish named as Chicken Uniqlicious, RM13. Spanish sausage chorizo with mustard sauce, focaccia bread topped topped with rose-mary, cream cheese and salad with rose aroma. Yup, the bread was great with the rose-mary’s aromatic, slight-crispy on the surface and fluffy inside. It was delicious, same goes to the juicy chicken hot dog albeit some said pork sausages taste even better. Too bad, pork sausage was out of stock that day.
Flat white, RM10. We couldn’t resist how the cafe define quality of coffee. However, it turned out the Flat White brewed pretty badly, below my expectation. It tasted bland and insipid.
The tea “Tower of London” was fragrance and pleasant to drink. We love it.
To end our meal, we got ourselves Dark Chocolate Brownie, RM11.90 as dessert. Though, this wasn’t the best chocolate brownie but it has definitely lived up to my expectation (cake is warm, topped with nuts and yummy vanilla ice cream).
Eggs Benedict was the only fare that wowed me, the rest was just on point (average). As for coffee, we looking forward for the enhancement. Another notable point is the ambiance, don’t leave without taking photo my friends. If you happen to head to Raja Uda Penang, visit to Marlons+Co, it’s worth a visit anyway.
Operating Hour:
Mon-Sun: 09:00 – 00:00
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