Hello, fam! How is your week going? We are sure that you know that IKEA Batu Kawan is now open ’cause you are probably one of the many people that are queuing up daily. There are even some news stating that people took off on the 14th March 2019 just to be one of the very first people to visit the iconic meatball destination. Sorry, we meant furniture. But, meatballs are iconic as well!

You Don’t Need To Stress About It ‘Cause IKEA Meatballs Are Halal Certified!

Just last week, news broke that IKEA Meatballs are not halal as there was an error on a digital screen at IKEA Batu Kawan Swedish Food Market displaying non-Malaysian content. You guessed it, the digital screen suggested that IKEA meatballs contained non-halal ingredient. That’s right, we are talking about pork. It was an error, there were no pigs harmed while making IKEA meatballs.

So, for our non-Muslim friends, if you are excited about eating pork meatballs, we are sad to break the news to you that everything in IKEA is halal certified. If you don’t trust us, you can trust JAKIM as they have mentioned it in their Facebook post right over here. If you want to try out pork meatballs, it is time for you to buy fly tickets to Sweden, ’cause they have meatballs made with pork and beef together! Yay!
You Don’t Need To Stress About It ‘Cause IKEA Meatballs Are Halal Certified!

Now, you can enjoy all the meatballs happily without worrying. We are sure that IKEA Batu Kawan was in a rush to serve the Northern Region, they have made a small error when it comes to digital screen and printing. They have apologized, and so, we need to forgive them by raiding their meatballs. That’s all the meatballs news for today. See you tomorrow!
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Cover Photo: @david_dsym (Instagram), left.