Last year, we were shocked by the news that one of our beloved ferries was starting to sink. This was probably due to it being left unattended for a while. Of course, seeing the ferry nearly submerged in water sunken the hearts of many. Especially since all of us have our own fond memories of the iconic tourist attraction. Fortunately, the sunken ferry floats again and the authorities are slowly turning it into a museum.

Old Beloved Ferry Floats Again After Receiving Intense Repair
Said by the Penang Port Commission (PPC) chairman, Datuk Tan Teik Cheng, they have started pumping water out of the ferry’s base. “After receiving the notice on Saturday (5th June), I immediately went to inspect the situation.” Apparently, there was a hole in the hull that caused river water to flow into the ferry’s machine room. As such, intense repairs were carried out to restore the ferry.

He also explained that the ferry is old and inoperable, so it can no longer carry passengers or transport vehicles. However, Tan assured that they will continue to check on the ferry periodically so that this does not happen again.

Turning The Old Ferry Into A Museum

“We have decided to turn the ferry into a museum” Datuk Tan Teik Cheng continued. Recently, the person in charge, Azu Yahidi shared on her social media about the process of turning the ferry into Penang Floating Ferry Museum. Considering that the ferry used to sink before, it would take a while to clean up. The hardest part to clean would be the engine room because it is full of oil.

“This project may seem impossible for us to execute but we will make it happen,” Azu Yahidi wrote on the post. According to the plan, the ferry will be turned into an interactive art museum. Where visitors can explore every detail of the ferry on their own. Here are the other plans that they had in store for each of its areas:

With all that is said and done, we are all very excited about this development. Hopefully, we will get more positive updates in the future about the state’s beloved ferry.
Source: The Star | Free Malaysia Today | Facebook
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