“If you can drive in Penang, you can drive anywhere else in Malaysia.” This didn’t come from anywhere, and as a Penangite, we can testify that. Recently, a netizen has shared some hilarious facts about Penang drivers and we bet most of you can relate to them. Some are so accurate that you can’t help but laugh at.
Netizen Shared Hilarious Tips On How To Drive in Penang:
A young chap who goes by the name Vel Muruga recently shared some ‘tips’ on how to drive in Penang over his Facebook account. We’ve read them all and must admit some fits to a tee, pretty much what makes us Penangites.
1. You Must First Learn to Pronounce the Island Name
This is on point, we call our island ‘PE-nang’, not ‘Puh-nang.’ Old-timers are still allowed to call it ‘peNAng.’
2. Must Know The Rush Hour To Avoid Traffic
The morning rush hour is from 6:00 am to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 8:00 pm. Friday’s rush hour starts on Thursday morning. We must say there’s a certain accuracy to this, Penangites have the power to ‘create’ traffic anytime, anywhere, especially Fridays.
3. The Minimum Speed On Highway
The minimum acceptable speed on a coastal highway is 80km/h, even if it’s in a 70km/h zone. Anything less and you are considered a road hazard and will be “flipped off” accordingly, especially if you’re driving on the right lane. We dare you to return the flip, chances are you’ll get into a honk fight and animal names will slip through your mouth.
4. Penang Drivers Have Their Own Version of Traffic Rules
Vel Muruga says to forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. For example, big cars owned by Datuks will remain on the far right lane. Myvi/ Proton or any heavily modified cars will be on third lane. The one-ton lorry and trucks should occupy the second lane. Motorbikes and any car doing less than 60km/h share the left lane. Emergency lanes are really designed just for assholes and taxis, with emergency vehicles occupy them occasionally.
This isn’t all true. We Penang lang know that Myvi or Axia will always be on the far right lane, driving like Fast & Furious, overtaking other big cars.
5. Watch Out For Road Hazards
Not only constructions but as in cats and dogs, open burning, double parks, triple parks, Friday prayer traffics, metal tins to secure parking, jaywalkers that come out of nowhere, and more. Like serious, always keep an eye on the road when in Penang.
These are just some of what Vel Muruga wrote in his hilarious post and it’s funny how we Penangites can agree on. One thing for sure, if you do not swear while you’re on the road in Penang, are you even a true Penang driver? Share with us your experience while driving in Penang and let us all have a good laugh together.
Source: Vel Muruga (Facebook)
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