Line Clear Nasi Kandar is one of the most famous and legendary Nasi Kandar seller in Penang. Line Clear is located inside an alleyway/lorong along Penang Road, it’s highly favored by Penang locals as well as tourists. They have recently opened their Kuala Lumpur outlet at Kg Baru as well. Line Clear operates 24 hours a day, feed yourself with an epic Nasi Kandar at anytime you want.
Kuah Campur simply means a mixture of curry gravy. You’ll never go wrong with kuah campur, it certainly bring you to another level of taste and enjoyment, very very delicious and flavorful! Line Clear Nasi Kandar has wide varieties of side dish to choose from as well. For instance, they have huge prawn, fish, chicken, sotong, beef, vegetables, sauteed cabbages and a lot more. The popular choice for locals will be fried chicken plus egg and sauteed cabbages, but if you’re the adventurous sort, you can opt to try beef, big prawn and fish head. One big tip for you, ask for the price before you ordered it, cause some dishes like prawn, crab or fish can be very expensive.
True blue Penangite meal, I got myself fried chicken, brinjal (terung) and salted egg (telur masin), RM8.50 and a glass of Teh Ice. Speaking of the curry, it was less flavorful than I expected, it was pure and less spiciness. Maybe I should request spicy curry (kuah pedas) next time. If you eat spicy, I suggest you request for spicy curry gravy during your visit. The fried chicken was on point, brinjal tasted like it should be treated, it was juicy and tasty. The another highlight was papadum, a thin, crisp and disc-shaped is the perfect combination with Nasi Kandar. It’s worth trying, trust me!
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
It was indeed a great experience, eating by using hand instead of folk & spoon. Tip: Malays use only their right hand to eat, pass, touch or handle anything. Never use your left hand to eat.
Strickly speaking, the food was mediocre to my taste-buds. My all-time favorite will be Deen Maju Nasi Kandar, I will surely go one day and review it. In the nutshell, it’s pretty easy on the wallet and worth a visit, experience it yourself the King of Nasi Kandar, Line Clear Penang.
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Mon-Sun: 24 hours
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